
A screenshot of password generator for a web-development assignment

Password Generator

This application is a password generator.

The user is offered parameter prompts that result in a customized, randomized password.

A screenshot of a web-development project with a lunar API

Horoscope Project

This group project features an Astrological Chart API as well as a Lunar Phase API.

When a user inputs their birth information, they are presented with their horoscope reading. The current phase of the lunar cycle for that day is also available.

A screenshot of a day-planner web-application

Day Planner

This application allows the user to schedule events, notes, etc. within specified time slots to help schedule their day.

A screenshot of password generator for a web-development assignment

Employee MGMT

A command-line application designed to manage a company's employee database, utilizing Node.js, Inquirer, and MySQL technologies.

This application is best suited for a companies management team who want total access and discretion concerning the creation of new departments, adding new employees and roles and delineating precise salaries.

A screenshot of a Covid-19 PPE charity store login page

PPE Charity Store Project

This group project features a Covid-19 data API and utilizes Node.js, Handlebars, Express, Sequelize, Bcrypt, cookies, Heroku and other NPM modules.

A user is able create a profile and browse a list of PPE items with the option to request PPE products for their organization of choice, as well as offer to donate these PPE product requests.

This project was inspired by the realities of global PPE supply-chain shortages and individuals being unable to receive or purchase basic and oftentimes required PPE items.

A screenshot of a day-planner web-application

Note Taker

An application that allows the user to write and save notes/memos.

This application uses an Express.js back-end which saves and retrieves note data from a JSON file.