About Me

A simple photo of myself self sitting outside with trees in the background

Hi, I'm Luke McMurtrie!

Thank you for taking the time to consider my portfolio! This is the second iteration of my professional web-developer portfolio. I'm 31 years old and currently call Richmond, Virginia my home. Although I was raised here, I earned my Bachelor's in English Literature and Writing from Holy Cross College in Notre Dame, Indiana in 2012. I am currently attending a Full Stack Web Development program at the University of Richmond's School for Professional and Continuing Studies.

My passions include music (I'm a self-taught guitar and synthesizer player), painting, photography, poetry... all things art really. It may also be important to note my obsession with dinosaurs, lightsabers, Leonardo da Vinci, technology, space, stand-up comedy, nature, philosophy, psychology, cooking, the elusive study of conciousness and what it means to be awake and aware. Oh, and I'm a rookie chess player; thanks to one of my younger brothers who has me hooked but constantly enjoys serving me ice-cold, painful and frequent losses.


A graphic image of my resume


Thank you for your time!

A grahic image of the GitHub logo

GitHub Profile

Click View to see more about myself and my programming works.

A screenshot of a day-planner web-application


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